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1 de abril de 2020

The invisible war and change of era (Publicado en Australia)

The world was not the same after September 11 after the demolition of the New York towers. Nor was it the same after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Far in time, obscurantism was born from the fall of the Roman empire.

The wars, famines and plagues, among other evils, marked disruptive changes in the long human march.
Today, states do not confront each other. They all fight against a sudden, tiny, invisible enemy. A threat that puts the planet on the defensive. Multidimensional security is more evident than ever in the sense that the reason for being of security is the human person.
In conventional wars, it was the armies that carried the main effort in the first row and the doctors the rear step to take care of the population, take care of the wounded or confirm the deaths. Today they are at the forefront, along with nurses, obstetricians and nursing technicians in a battle like all others, with needs greater than those available. Armies take care of cities and population.
Who are the Field Marshals in this war? The politicians elected by the people. President, governors and mayors mainly, they have to lead with adequate plans and logistics so as not to lose the national battle. Logistics does not win wars but it can make them lose.
Paradoxes of history. From the nation in arms of centuries ago, today the nation is once again a bastion and must participate massively, quartered at home.
You cannot win a war without logistical support and a strategic approach. For every battle you win you will lose another, Sun Tzu would say. Germany, as many times, has been gaining it in proportions and its emphasis was on preventing and increasing the number of ICUs, respirators and personal protective equipment (PPE).
As in conventional warfare, it must be specified that this enemy is vulnerable to social distancing. We must all fight "shoulder to shoulder" to maintain clean distances. Instead of going out to the battlefields in strategic devices, here the strategic thing is to confine yourself at home. The strategy cannot fail for the tactic to make sense.
Looking at future scenarios, we need to create rapid reaction forces that will be highly mobile medical teams that can move where invasive foci appear, once the wave has subsided. Strategic intelligence must be vigilant to microbiology as a mixed possibility of development and threat. Will biotechnology only depend on human ethics?
It has been shown that not only nuclear bombs paralyze a state and the world. Does anyone win geopolitically in this generation quarantine war? At the moment we all lose.
The population once again is the battlefield and together we will win the war.
A "nudge" and take care.