Before the pandemic, the world was growing rapidly unclear where to. There was no indexed journal that did not publish on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Big Data or Biotechnology. All this did not serve to detect early that the sword came from invisibility and not to the heart but to the lungs. Today, when everything is sealed behind masks and quarantines, humanity is the victim of a strategic surprise.
The scenario-creating prospective did not notice the epidemiological probability. Strategic intelligence distracted by terrorism, trade wars, geopolitics, did not see the tiny enemy that advanced on internal lines. World leaders warned of risks to mankind and were underestimated. Stephen Hawking, the British scientist, alluded to the probability that humanity will disappear struck from within, in the face of global silence.
Today, the strategy of immobilization and social distancing is useful to contain and avoid the collapse of the installed health capacity. A strategy to save time in exchange for social restrictions, while the innovative and disruptive world finds the definitive solution; be it vaccine or direct treatment. Even while we save lives.
What to do these days?
Accelerate the sampling processes. Slowness and scarcity exacerbate contagion. Example: to a region with more than one million 100 thousand inhabitants, how to assign 4,300 rapid tests? Absolutely insufficient.
The intelligence system was not predictive despite the evidence in China. We must urgently implement Strategic Health Intelligence.
Discipline sets the pace of progress and control of the pandemic. There are regions that assimilate and comply with the ordinances and others willingly, and this generates more deaths. Decentralizing power is essential, but multiplying processes is not. Without empowerment, containment is impossible.
Nuclear, chemical and bacteriological warfare exists as a high intensity conflict. The nuclear one has severe controls and the bacteriological one that includes viruses, deserves non-equivalent attention. It is time that from the UN Security Council, Peru raises its voice on behalf of humanity. The immediate future is going to demand cross specialties. More militarymedical and more medical-military. Dual specialties that always walked together and the pandemic brings them back together. We must strengthen reservation systems. We need to have large reserves of paramilitaries and
The "man is the weapon" is an aphorism of the special forces because a man or small group of people can cause lethal damage to very large forces. In this pandemic, man has been a lethal weapon, since only one can unleash a gigantic network of infections and deaths. Finally, it will also be the man who finds the medicinal weapon that defeats this human threat and hopefully it is not too late.